Dogs Unknown
Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Wildlife
Migratory birds have used the Mississippi as a guidepost along their annual migrations for centuries. This is a way stop along that journey. Think about how you feel when you are on a long road trip and you stop, exhausted, at a hotel to rest.
Do you want some unleashed dog or random child charging at you so someone can take a cute photo as you and your family flee in terror? Of course not. Be considerate.
Need to Know
During some seasons, you'll share this tract of land with hunters.
Runner Notes
Wear antlers and brown clothing during hunting season. That will teach you to go running around in the woods.
This tract is part of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Area. From the parking lot, cross a rocky bridge over Brickhouse Slough. The doubletrack trail is a loop that takes you along the slough going clockwise.
On the far side you peregrinate along the Mississippi River. The return leg takes you through a prairie. The trail looks like it should hold water and be muddy for a long time after a rain, but I haven't seen that.
Flora & Fauna
Migratory birds
History & Background
Named for Thomas Dresser who owned some land hereabouts once upon a time.
Shared By:
Rick Ihnat