Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
This route features a great warm-up to the foot bridge. Then a challenging "Wall" with optional steps. The trail levels off to a steady uphill to be rewarded with a steady downhill.
Runner Notes
Watch out for Rattlesnakes. Do your best to maintain your pace up the steep "wall" section.
The trail is well marked. Mountain bikes are not allowed on the first part of this trail to the bridge (1.5-miles). To the bridge and back is great for beginners. Shortly after, you'll come to a very steep "wall" section of trail. After the "wall" continue uphill until you see a right hand turn off (2.1-miles). It will steepen a bit before it levels off again to a steady slope. After a 90-degree bend, watch out for the 180-degree turnoff (2.27-miles).
This is the relaxing part of the trail for about a mile. Watch for the chicken looking birds. Stay right at the next intersection and the steady downhill will begin shortly. Watch your footing because the views become spectacular. Continue the steady downhill, watching and listening for Rattlers. The trail eventually meets back up near the steep section (4.94-miles). Make you way back to the footbridge and across. At this point, you're home-free, wishing the trail could go on forever.
Shared By:
Kevin Holleman