Dogs Off-leash
Fall Colors · Lake · Views
A run that requires a decent amount of balance and endurance. There are numerous ascents and descents over rocky terrain, but the combination of flora and terrain is really sensational for Rhode Island.
Need to Know
There are no facilities here.
Serving as the original start to a much longer run that is the
Narragansett Trail. The area around Long Pond is as dynamic in terrain as it is with flora. The trail is a bit difficult for anyone with mobility and balance issues as the trail traverses several ridges and valleys that are steep and rocky. These are also the same characteristics that make this forest a joy to experience. The turnaround point is a tall mound of rock with views of the pond. There are many rocks and swampy sections, so it can be both slick and mushy after a rain.
Fun fact: If you are familiar with Wes Anderson films, you'll recognize many of the key features of this landscape from "Moonrise Kingdom".
Flora & Fauna
Hemlocks, Cedar, Pine, Alder, Oak and other hardwoods.
Shared By:
Michael D