Dogs Leashed
Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
If severe fire danger is present (typically late in the Summer), the preserve may be closed to all access.
Runner Notes
There are slight rolling hills and multiple turns along this well-defined trail making it difficult to get lost if going clockwise as you always bear right at any trail junction. It's fun to run around and catch the views from different aspects.
This nice trail is not as rocky as some of the southern trails in the McDowell Mountains as most of the surface is smooth. In addition, there is not a lot of elevation gain compared to the rest of the preserve - enjoy some respite here!
This trail proves great even in summer, however you'll need to get out early and start in a clockwise direction as the sun will be at your back initially and you may catch shade on the western side of
Granite Mountain.
This trail travels through typical desert terrain with some large granite boulders and gravel with very little sand to navigate. It has good firm footing without the hassles of embedded rocks in the terrain like that which exists in the mountains to the south.
Shared By:
Todd Streiff