Dogs Leashed
Birding · Wildlife
Need to Know
No facilities at this park.
This run is a mowed trail through a prairie grass field. In the summertime, the grass is quite tall and it's probably a pretty bad area for ticks, so be sure to spray. The trail passes by a couple of circles that equestrians use to train their horses for running in circles and while we were there one stopped by to run it! From there, he rode north on top of the levee, but I'm pretty sure it's not legal to walk or ride on.
The trail then goes in by some really big cottonwoods and the poison ivy is rampant around them. Stay on the trail!
As you leave the field, there's some big sumac groves and cedar trees, but the parks department has cut some of the cedars down to open up the prairie space, so the landscape will probably continue to change.
Flora & Fauna
Cottonwoods, cedars, poison ivy, deer, raccoon, opossum, armadillos.
Shared By:
Andy Cramb