Dogs Off-leash
Birding · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Need to Know
After a rain the steeper parts of the trail can become slippery and the flatter parts can become muddy with standing water. There are few places where you need to push through areas of saw grass, so long pants, long sleeves, and gloves may be desired.
The trail starts as a dirt singletrack that ascends away from the parking area across the road from the Cetti Bay Overlook. The first 0.75 miles alternate between open areas with great views of the surrounding mountains, coast, and ocean; small patches of palm jungle; and meadows of 7 foot tall saw grass.
At 0.75 miles, the trail splits, with the right fork breaking off into the
Mt. Jumullong Manglo Trail to the crosses at the summit of Mount Jumullong and the left fork continuing to the summit of
Mount LamLam.
The trail levels out some after the split, but becomes more difficult to follow as it wanders back into the jungle. It is marked with pink ribbons tied to trees, and a cross reference of these and the map will take you to the final steep ascent to the peak.
At the peak, you'll find a US and Guam flag flying above a survey marker that denotes the top of
Mount LamLam. The summit offers beautiful sweeping views of Guam's southern mountains and Cetti Bay below.
Flora & Fauna
Palm groves, ferns, wildflowers, saw grass, geckos, skinks, chameleons, wild pigs
Shared By:
Brent Smith