Dogs Leashed
Fall Colors · Views
The Living Room Trail is a short, fairly steep, but moderately easy run to a great viewpoint on Red Butte overlooking the Salt Lake Valley. At the viewpoint, you'll see "furniture" created by other runners out of the large flat sandstone slabs. There are several "chairs" and "couches" complete with armrests and ottomans. The rock furniture is a surprisingly comfortable place to relax while you take in the view—a total view from the very north end to the very south end of the Salt Lake Valley.
Runner Notes
This is a popular trail system for runners that is very easily accessed. I highly recommend it! The trail is fairly rocky, but there are also many smooth, flat gravel trails around.
The trail itself is fairly steep, but it is a run that can be done easily with kids. It gains about 8-900 feet in elevation over its mile-long distance. The trail also acts as water drainage during a storm, so there are spots along the trail, especially near the beginning, that are narrow and have steep V-shaped ruts that the water has carved out. The trail is fairly rocky overall, so be mindful of rolled ankles. There are several other running and nature trails in the area, so be sure you're on the right one!
There is basically zero shade cover here, so running this trail in summer months can be a brutal exercise in heat endurance. Make sure to bring plenty of water. The best time of year to do this run is in the fall when the leaves start turning.
Shared By:
Dave N
with improvements
by Liz