Dogs Leashed
Birding · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
You can find good firm surfaces on this trail, there are some rocky and gravely sections. The intersections are all marked with signs and maps. Whichever direction you take this trail (clockwise or counter-clockwise), you'll be treated to a couple of good uphills.
Runner Notes
This is a nice singletrack trail with hills and some rocky sections.
This is a nice loop around a small mountain just off Arroyo Hondo Road. Park in the lot just after the interstate underpass. Follow the trail over the small footbridge and across the seasonal creek bed. From here the trail climbs to the loop around the mountain above you.
You can go either clockwise or counter-clockwise on this loop. Follow the well marked and used trail. There is a bonus loop in the middle to keep it interesting. There are signs with maps at these intersections. This is a Santa Fe County Open Space and Trails trail.
History & Background
This is in the Santa Fe County Open Space and Trails network and has seen many improvements recently. The County has an active trail steward program and trails are available to adopt.
Shared By:
Peter Olson
with improvements
by Hill Balliet